One group – one code.
Over the past 100 years, °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ emÂployÂees around the world have been workÂing toÂgether ambitiously to deÂveÂlop high qualÂity soluÂtions for our cliÂents, based on trust and a comÂmon set of values and norms. We are proud of our track reÂcord that inÂvolves deÂlivÂerÂing what we promise and never letting a cusÂtomer down. Our 100-year anniversary in 2018 was the perfect occasion to update our Code of Conduct for the next °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ century to include current topics that have become increasingly important for all of us. This enables us to ensure solid business control.
Our long-term sucÂcess would not have been posÂsible without our corÂporÂate culÂture and our value-orientation, which are supÂporÂted by the famÂily ownÂers and their heritage. Trust is the basis of all our activities. We comÂmit ourselves to act in such a way that we can mainÂtain and inÂtensify the trust and loyÂalty of our cusÂtomÂers, employees, and owner famÂily. Trust can only deÂveÂlop if our actions are predictÂable and based on consistent beÂhaÂviour – from the workÂers on site all the way up to the company’s top management. Creating an environment of trust and continuously strivÂing to master our proÂfesÂsion will help us achieve a high deÂgree of collaboration. Respecting individuals will help facilitate true diaÂlogue and muÂtual learnÂing. The colÂleÂgial interaction will help us find the right decisions in complex situations. ReÂliÂabÂilÂity and resÂult-orientation will help us exÂceed our expectations, and a good portion of modÂesty will always help us stay rooted and remember the true North: the pursuit of our misÂsion.
As a resÂult, °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ is strongly comÂmitÂted to risk manÂageÂment and comÂpliÂance, which we define as a set of guidelines, rules, and proÂcedÂures that are deÂsigned to preÂvent, monÂitor, and reÂsolve conduct or pracÂtices that go against legal, ethÂical, and busiÂness standÂards.
The Code of BusiÂness ConÂduct outÂlines our policies as they reÂlate to our corÂporÂate goals and valÂues. This Code apÂplies to every perÂson who conÂducts busiÂness with or for the °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ Group worldÂwide, meanÂing all our emÂployÂees including all levels of manÂageÂment as well as consultants, temÂporÂary workers and subÂconÂtractÂors. The Code outÂlines how we act and do business. ReÂgardÂless of the work we do daily, we all have to abide by the laws, standÂards, and guidelines that apÂply to our work and we must act ethÂicÂally and fairly and with honÂesty, integrity, and reÂspect.
Only if we all act in keepÂing with the high standÂards we set ourselves can we face the challenges and changes the fuÂture holds and enÂsure a susÂtainÂable and inÂnovÂatÂive business model for generÂaÂtions to come.
°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ Compliance Helpline
The °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ Code of BusiÂness ConÂduct defines rules of conÂduct that enÂable us, as a global company, to conÂform to legal provisions, regÂuÂlatÂory standÂards and ethÂical prinÂciples wherever we operate. This not only proÂtects our clients, emÂployÂees and soÂciÂety as a whole, but also contributes to the seÂcurÂity of our comÂpany against white-colÂlar crime itÂself.
The °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ Group thereÂfore offers its emÂployÂees, busiÂness partners and clients variÂous, internationally-acÂcessÂible channels to reÂport comÂpliÂance violations. InÂformÂaÂtion received will always be treated confidentially and, if deÂsired, anonymously.
How can reÂports be subÂmitÂted?
- (web-based electronic whistleblowing system)
- Corporate Group Compliance: