Alternative Solutions
°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ ofÂfers a poÂtenÂtial alÂternÂate access soluÂtion through the use of Velo Tech SysÂtems’ V-Deck – a high-strength, low weight, modÂuÂlar platÂform for temporary works acÂcess. V-Deck utilÂises a hook and clasp sysÂtem that anÂchors the deck panels to tensioned catenÂary cables. These are then seÂcured and stabilised by addiÂtional susÂpenÂsion chains. The sysÂtem is comÂpatÂible with various types of scaffolding.
°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ is also experienced in a range of other access methods, such as tension netting and DELTADECK (a low level, flexible work platform, ideal for working at heights of 3m and below).