Asbestos Solutions
Any job is easier with the right tools at hand.
°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ Integrated Services has extensive exÂperÂiÂence in the removal and disposal of hazÂardÂous maÂterÂiÂals, regardless of the locÂaÂtion or infrastructure involved. Our capÂabÂilÂity spans removal of asÂbesÂtos containing maÂterÂiÂals and hazardous coatings (including lead-based paints).
°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ is fully-liÂcensed to comÂplete asbestos reÂmoval works nationally, including both friÂable and non-friÂable materials. We mainÂtain a pool of fully-trained asbestos workÂers to complete these activitÂies. We provide speÂcific trainÂing to ensure all personnel understand the speÂcific site and cliÂent regulations that may apÂply separately to any work.
We are also exÂperÂiÂenced in the reÂmoval of hazÂardÂous coatÂings inÂcludÂing lead-based paints, utilÂising blastÂing and encapsulation techÂniques to safely remove and disÂpose of these maÂterÂiÂals.
All PPE, Plant and EquipÂment we supÂply is fully-comÂpliÂant with the latest Australian regÂuÂlaÂtions and we work closely with our cliÂents and local authorities to enÂsure all noÂtiÂficÂaÂtions are completed and no probÂlems occur as the work proceeds.