Global LNG Solutions
°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ has earned an exÂcelÂlent reputation as a leadÂing player in the Global LNG MarÂket. KAEÂFER’s apÂproach to busiÂness is based on an understanding that today’s industry leaders and its cliÂents demand safer, more intelligent and resourceful anÂswers to solving their individual chalÂlenges and project-speÂcific demands.
KAEÂFER’s LNG busiÂness covÂers high performance inÂsuÂlaÂtion on gas plants and pipelines as well as storage and transportation tanks. Our serÂvices include engineering, design, proÂject execution, purchase of maÂterÂiÂals and services, job site manÂageÂment and consultancy to each reÂlated °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ activity – onshore and offshore.
With the global deÂmand for clean enÂergy and that in parÂticÂuÂlar deÂrived from LNG, °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ has established two LNG Solutions Research Centres specifically to support the abilÂity to deÂliver safe, reliable and inÂtelÂliÂgent reÂsources to major LNG ProÂjects. The centres inÂclude highly motivated teams comÂmitÂted to the enÂtire life cycle of the proÂject from initiation and planÂning through to execution and closÂure. Located in Perth, AusÂtralia, and at our Head OfÂfice in Bremen, Germany, these centres have the ability to repÂlicÂate cryoÂgenic conditions to test innovative soluÂtions for a range of isÂsues commonly encountered on LNG plants.
Our Core LNG Services
- Insulation and Cladding
- On-line, Pre-Insulation, Sprayed, Poured
- Cryogenic, Hot, Acoustic, PP
- Aspen Aerogels, INSTA-LAG®, TIPS® Foamglas, PIR, Mineral Wools, Perlite.
- Surface Protection
- Abrasive Blasting & Protective Coatings
- Thermal Spray Aluminium (TSA)
- Specialty High Performance Linings
- Passive Fire Protection (PFP)
- Epoxy Intumescent Coatings
- Access Management
- Scaffolding
- Rope Access
- Environmental Management
- Humidity Control
- External Condition Control
- Full Dehumidification – Live plant remediation
°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ ExÂperÂiÂence
°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ has exÂtensÂive exÂperÂiÂence throughout the Asia-PaÂcific Region at many maÂjor LNG facilitÂies, inÂcludÂing:
- LNG Canada Module Yards
- Tangguh LNG Expansion
- Petronas LNG Train 7,8 & 9
- INPEX Ichthys LNG Project Onshore and Offshore
- Chevron Gorgon LNG Project
- Chevron Wheatstone LNG Project Onshore and Offshore
- APLNG Project
- QCLNG Project
- Prelude FLNG
- Woodside Energy Karratha Gas Plant