Cryogenic Insulation

The coolest job at °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳.

It takes a spe­cial kind of ex­pert to control the freez­ing tem­per­at­ures of minus 163°C ne­ces­sary to handle, store and sup­ply li­que­fied nat­ural gas (LNG). °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ has over 40 years of ex­per­i­ence in LNG and some say that those who work in this sector quite lit­er­ally have the coolest job in the com­pany.

From high-per­form­ance in­su­la­tion at gas plants and pipelines to stor­age and trans­port­a­tion tanks, we provide a wide range of services and solu­tions for the whole gas hand­ling chain.

In fact, we have a spe­cial­ised di­vi­sion ded­ic­ated to LNG – our LNG Solu­tions Centre. This is staffed with ex­perts who are spe­cial­ists in ad­apt­ing to chal­len­ging scen­arios and be­spoke ap­plic­a­tions where mech­an­ical and thermal ten­sions are high.

Tech­nical Ex­pert­ise

The °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ LNG Solu­tions Centre focuses on de­liv­er­ing soph­ist­ic­ated and intelligent solu­tions and ser­vices to major LNG pro­jects. For ex­ample, we have developed a pre-in­su­la­tion pro­cess for pipes that is mod­u­lar and flex­ible, allowing pipes to be in­su­lated ef­fi­ciently before they are in­stalled on site. This means they are not sub­ject to environmental vari­ables and the pro­cess saves time and money by en­sur­ing high qual­ity and lower levels of man­power and access requirements. Furthermore, our system is highly mo­bile and can be set up in close prox­im­ity to large-scale projects around the world – shortening transit times and lowering costs.

The LNG Solu­tions Centre cov­ers the entire LNG op­er­a­tions chain, from exploration to the re­ceiv­ing party:

  • Liquefaction
  • Storage
  • Loading & Unloading
  • Shipping
  • Regasification

The °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ LNG Solutions Centre

How may our experts from the LNG Solutions Center help you?

  • Engineering
  • Detailed design
  • Project execution
  • Purchase of materials
  • Job site management
  • Consultancy
°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ Integrated Services
Delivering across full asset lifecycles, from construction to asset integrity, maintenance & shutdowns.
Contact us now +61 8 9224 4600