°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ provides a Pre-InÂsuÂlaÂtion process that ofÂfers comÂpelÂling beÂneÂfits over convenÂtional hand applied and other insulation methÂods.
°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ has inÂvesÂted heavÂily in reÂsearch and deÂvelÂopÂment to refine a mechanised proÂcess that results in a high-qualÂity overÂall soluÂtion that can be comÂpleted anywhere, on-time and at a competitive cost.
The Pre-InÂsuÂlaÂtion proÂcess is based around modÂuÂlar plant and faÂcilÂitÂies that can be moÂbilÂised around the globe to efficiently insulate the pipes at a more convenient locÂaÂtion beÂfore they are installed on-site. The insulation that is applied within the plant is comÂprised of sevÂeral layÂers of polyurethane foam covered by a tough outer comÂposÂite shell.
Along with fulÂfilling the primary insulating funcÂtions, the Pre-Insulated pipe is also mechÂanÂicÂally very roÂbust and able to cope with the rigÂours of construction, followed by a long fuÂture of low-maintenance operation. This sysÂtem has proven itÂself over the years in numerous installations.
Key Features
- Provides a cost-effective solution
- Reduces working time onsite
- Predictable productivity
- Controlled conditions
- High-performance cryogenic insulation
- Robust, chemical-resistant, non-corrosive finish
- Low maintenance
- Resistant to mechanical damage
- Accommodates stresses and strains associated with thermal cycling
- High-quality insulation and finish applied in workshop-controlled conditions
- Cost and time savings – installation hours on-site reduced dramatically