Thermal Insulation
TemÂperÂatÂure unÂder conÂtrol.
We have the know-how, exÂperÂiÂence and flexÂibÂilÂity to take on comÂplex, large-scale proÂjects that need to be comÂpleted within strict timeÂframes. By employing LEAN principles, we enÂsure that everything is completed at the right time and at the right place. This alÂlows us to be exÂtremely flexÂible when it comes to reacting to challenges quickly.
That spirit of inÂnovÂaÂtion conÂtinÂues to drive us today. We deÂvelop and proÂduce a range of proÂpriÂetÂary products and systems to enÂsure that our insulation solutions make the most of our techÂnical skills, speÂcialÂised knowÂledge and understanding of every asÂpect of how insulation works. From refineries and power plants to food proÂcessing, LNG facilities and the chemÂical inÂdustry, we have the exÂpertÂise to help you achieve even the most ambitious goals and make even the biggest and most comÂplex projects reality.
Thermal inÂsuÂlaÂtion simply makes sense. It’s about keepÂing hot things hot and cold things cold, conserving enÂergy in the process – and in times of increased environmental presÂsures and enÂergy costs, thermal inÂsuÂlaÂtion is more important than ever.
Our scope of work:
We carry out therÂmoÂdyÂnamic calculations and diÂmenÂsionÂing with our own proÂgrammes as well as dedÂicÂated finite eleÂment methodologies. Our services include:
- Static and dynamic load calculations
- Dimensioning of insulation systems considering ecological and economic factors
- Development of high-temperature and cryogenic insulation concepts
- Planning and executing functional tests for complex insulation systems in our dedicated laboratories
- Designing insulation systems in 3D CAD programs
- Qualifying materials and systems
Thermal insulation: areas of application
- Refineries
- Chemical industry
- Food processing
- Wood and paper industries
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)
- Natural gas storage tanks
- Biomass plants
- Environmental technology
Cold insulation: areas of application
- LNG and ethylene plants
- Cryogenic storage
- CO2 plants
- Gas liquefaction plants
- Piping
- Vessels
- Tanks
- TIPS® – Pre-fabÂricÂated thermal tank inÂsuÂlaÂtion panel sysÂtem for hot tanks and vesÂsels
- InÂsta-Lag® – Pre-fabÂricÂated product for hot pipe inÂsuÂlaÂtion