Marine Structures Remediation

°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ In­teg­rated Ser­vices un­der­stand the chal­lenges in­volved in Brownfield projects and re­medi­ation works for marine struc­tures, reg­u­larly fa­cing issues including corrosion, tidal move­ments and work­ing in op­er­a­tional en­vir­on­ments. With ex­pert­ise in complementary capabilities span­ning mechanical, surface protection and ac­cess, we of­fer complete solu­tions for the re­medi­ation of mar­ine struc­tures including wharves, jetties, bridges, fend­ers, dol­phins, headstocks and piles.

Our ser­vices of­fer­ing for mar­ine struc­tures re­medi­ation

  • Asset integrity inspections
  • Mechanical services
  • Access solutions
  • Concrete remediation
  • Abrasive blasting
  • Ultra high pressure water cleaning
  • Surface protection
  • Pile refurbishment
  • Structural remediation
  • Cathodic protection

Utilising a range of specialist owned plant & equipment, we are able to provide customised solutions to our clients.

°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ Integrated Services
Your reliable partner for high quality industrial services. Our contact persons will be happy to advise you.
Contact us now +61 8 9224 4600