Technology & Innovation
The °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ Group is the only inÂdusÂtrial serÂvices conÂtractor that has its own in-house CorÂporÂate InnovÂaÂtion & TechÂnical ExÂcelÂlence (CIE) DeÂpartÂment, locÂated in BreÂmen, GerÂmany. This department has laborÂatÂorÂies that can test inÂsuÂlaÂtion (thermal and acousÂtic) and coatÂings products in various simuÂlated cliÂmatic and process conditions, such as cryogenic pipeÂwork opÂerÂatÂing in tropÂical environments.
In AusÂtralia, °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ has sevÂeral dedicated techÂnical exÂperts. Our local technical exÂperts work closely with our international counÂterÂparts to share best practices. Our global portal alÂlows for the transÂfer of best practice informÂaÂtion to all °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ comÂpanÂies.
°ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ in AusÂtralia has a test faÂcilÂity locÂated in Naval Base, WestÂern AusÂtralia, setup to test coating applications to substrates at hot and cold temÂperÂatÂures as well as variÂous test rigs to test the application and removal of different insulation sysÂtems.