Acoustic Insulation
Sound solutions for noise and acoustics.
Noise is unÂhealthy. Not just for people, but also for strucÂtures as a resÂult of vibration. °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ ofÂfers inÂnovÂatÂive and tailored solutions to deal with noise effectively and efÂfiÂciently.
It all starts with measÂureÂment. Our engineers anaÂlyse noise levels and origins with state-of-the-art equipÂment and develop noise proÂtecÂtion measÂures that are tailored exÂactly and individually to each faÂcilÂity or building. These are tested and developed in our own acoustic laboratory, which feaÂtures a wall test stand as well as a pipe insulation test facility. That means we can offer high-quality, customised sound absorbers, acoustic enclosures, acousÂtic screens as well as pipe and vesÂsel insulation combined with thermal requirements to our cliÂents.
For exÂample, in ships and offÂshore facilities, our CorÂporÂate Operations Excellence – TechÂnical Excellence & Support Acoustics team makes complete predictions of noise and vibration levels on the basis of layÂouts and architectural designs. They deÂvelop customised noise proÂtecÂtion measÂures such as linings, susÂpenÂded ceilÂings, floatÂing or elastic floors and silencers. These can be combined with fire protection or thermal insulation and fulÂfil all international standards and requirements.
ReÂgardÂless of whether it’s about reducing noise or opÂtimÂising acousÂtics and absorbing sounds in ships and offshore faÂcilÂitÂies, inÂdusÂtrial plants, rooms or buildings, °ÄÃÅËIJ»ÏñÂÛ̳ has the theoretical and pracÂtical exÂpertÂise to make it happen effectively and cost-efficiently.
Our range of services and solutions
We develop proprietary projects, acoustic training and seminars for staff and clients across all areas. We also provide:
- Noise/vibration measurements and analysis
- Preparation of acoustic reports and predictions
- Industrial acoustics
- Noise/vibration measurements and analysis
- Planning of noise emissions, noise at work, simulations etc.
- Development and design of noise protection measures
- Noise measurements and analysis
- Preparation of acoustic reports and predictions
- Development and design of noise protection measures
- Optimisation of acoustics in rooms and sound absorption in buildings
- Development and design of noise protection measures